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Power Circle

Smart Local Energy

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Central Scotland and Fife


Power Circle are able to provide wide ranging consultancy services in relation to the development of smart local energy systems or renewable energy solutions for individual buildings or portfolio’s of buildings.

They can provide:

  • Business cases for installation of renewable technology
  • Advise on the suitability of different renewables their capital costs and paybacks.
  • How to optimise benefits of renewables through linking assets, determining the role of storage and how renewables may work across different assets.
  • Advice on tariff structures to enable you to get the most out of your renewable generation capacity.
  • Advice on grid connections and support in negotiating with the DNO’s.

For more information and to get in touch, please click the 'Find out more' button above.

Power Circle is a social enterprise dedicated to helping energy users to access affordable, low carbon energy through smart, local energy systems. Energy users may be in homes or commercial premises, public or private sector and new build or existing buildings.

We are helping to develop ground mounted solar PV schemes. Projects may be in individual buildings or be area-based. We can provide services either as a consultant and project manager or as an esco partner – for suitable projects. For public sector bodies, social landlords and charities, we have been selected to take part in a public procurement framework which enables the partner to contract with us with no further procurement process.

The first stage is to have an informal chat through the possibilities.

How to get featured in this directory

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Step 1

Fill in a short form to let us know about your social enterprise and the product, service or experience we can promote for you - it's free to be featured!

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Step 2

You'll gain access our campaign toolkit, as well as key information and visuals to promote your social enterprise as part of the campaign.

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Step 3

We'll get in touch personally to share a preview of your ethical gift listing, and chat about how we can feature you further in social media and blog content.

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