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The Apprentice Store

Remote IT Support

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The Apprentice Store provides managed service contracts for remote support to small and medium businesses across the UK from Inverness in the Scottish Highlands.

They are a Certified Microsoft Partner and focus on Microsoft technology like Office 265 and SharePoint with clients from the public, private and third sector where they look to allow their clients to return on their technology investment. Their clients are able to access private group and 1:1 training sessions on Office 365 to allow them to understand how to utilise the services available within subscriptions.

The Apprentice Store works with a number of other technology partners like Acronis for data protection and Cyber Security services, WebRoot for Anti-Virus and LastPass for password management so they are able to deliver most core IT services that a small business may wish to access.

They operate a helpdesk that is managed by their team of experienced young people who will be able to respond to your query and manage it to completion with all issues through their helpdesk system.

For more information and to get in touch, please click the 'Find out more' button above.

The Apprentice Store exists for the social purpose of :

  • Creating sustainable employment for young people who have barriers to employment.
  • Creating the opportunity for small and fragile communities to be sustainable by creating employment in remote areas.
  • Allowing small businesses to engage with apprenticeships when their need is neither full time nor long term.

The Apprentice Store are a company limited by guarantee which means that they have no shareholders and so all profits go into creating employment opportunities. They believe in young people and what they can achieve so they engage heavily with national programmes that help young people into employment which is why they have made the Young Person’s Guarantee and have been awarded Investors In Young Person Gold accreditation.

The Apprentice Store create employment in the IT sector by offering quality outsourced services to their clients which in turn creates the demand for employment and makes that employment sustainable as the positions are not dependent upon grant income.

The Apprentice Store team

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