Session 1 - Storytelling
How can you develop an engaging story around your mission, values and impact that helps you craft ongoing brand storytelling for your organisation?
In this first session of the Bootcamp, we chat with Colin McMillan at Firstport and Lara Friedman at the Social Enterprise Academy, to learn how to develop a distinct brand voice, look and feel, and nail your social enterprise elevator pitch.
Session 2 - Online channels
How can you leverage your digital and social channels to help you stand out online and make your brand resonate with your target audiences?
In this second session of the #BuySocialScotland Bootcamp, we chat with Doug Summers at Bold and Amee Ritchie and Jake Elliot-Hook at S'wheat, to learn how to assess your online presence and the key questions to ask yourself to better express your brand personality.
Session 3 - Website
How can you set up, maintain, and drive traffic to your website with both your communications objectives and your customers' needs in mind?
In this third session of the #BuySocialScotland Bootcamp, we chat with David Haddow at Social Shifters and Lisa May at In The Retail to better understand online customer journeys, needs and expectations on the web, and the best practices to follow to succeed online, from content architecture to SEO.
Session 4 - Communications planning
How can you plan your communications in a way that is strategic and cohesive across a wide range of channels without losing your brand voice, objectives and key messages?
In this fourth session of the #BuySocialScotland Bootcamp, we chat with Jennifer Murray at Just Enterprise and Nicky Hesketh at SKS Scotland to learn practical tips that can help you plan cohesive communications across your various on and offline channels.
Session 5 - Getting coverage
How do you engage with journalists and online influencers to pitch for coverage and secure visibility and promotion opportunities for your organisation?
In this fifth session of the #BuySocialScotland Bootcamp, we chat with Simon Francis at Campaign Collective and Sabrina Nordlund at Arctic Sabrina to learn more about the Dos and Don'ts of engaging with press and media professionals as well as social media influencers and bloggers.
Session 6 - Social media
How do you focus your efforts across social media channels to share content that performs well and helps you grow relevant and engaged communities for your organisation?
In this sixth session of the #BuySocialScotland Bootcamp, we chat with Lucinda Broadbent at Media Co-op and Katrina McAinsh at Passion4Social to better understand how different social networks work and learn best practice tips to help your visual and video content resonate with social media audiences.
Session 7 - Photos and Videos
How can you leverage visual content to tell the story of your organisation, brand and social impact in your communications efforts across channels?
In this seventh session of the #BuySocialScotland Bootcamp, we chat with Becky Duncan from Open Aye and David Haddow from Social Shifters to learn practical tips around visual content creation and how to use them to communicate in an engaging and authentic way.
Session 8 - Online campaigns
How do you successfully launch a new product, service or campaign online? Which tactics do you focus on and how can you plan your marketing efforts strategically?
In this eighth session of the #BuySocialScotland Bootcamp, we chat with Brenda Roddy at Crowdfunder, Kaye Symington at Paved with Gold, and Sarah Dyer at Valley Gal, to learn how to plan an online launch roadmap, reach your target customers, achieve your crowdfunding goals, and set up social media ads as a beginner.